Fanta, ‘Fanta X You X Rezo’ 

We were challenged to come up with ideas for innovative co-creation tools that would give a teen audience the ability to easily collaborate with the Fanta brand. 

I asked the question: “what if we could make a song out of your Instagram content?” And so we started ‘Project Instatracks’. 

This was an innovative, ground-breaking project involving AI, image recognition, speech synthesis and generative audio creation - an automatic personalised lyric video creator that made unique music tracks (with lyrics! and vocals!) from your Instagram feed. All you needed to do was log-in to Instagram and tap a button on the web.

On the technological side, Instatracks used a chain of cutting edge platforms: 

1.  The images, once 6 were randomly scraped from Instagram, were put through Google Cloud Vision AI to recognize the subjects of the images. 

2. Those 6 subject texts were then inserted into a lyrics creator, written by myself, with over 200 possible lines (where nouns were inserted mid-sentence so we could protect the rhyme scheme)...

3. Those lyrics were then processed by Amazon Polly voice synthesis... 

4. ...and passed into vocoder software to make the voice “sing” a melody. 

5. The vocal line was added to a piece of generative music, with an assortment of arrangements and stings, so that each piece of music was also unique, increasing the variability of outcome. 

6. This information was then compiled into a short music video, pairing the images from your Instagram feed with the relevant lyrics. 

All this happened in about 15 seconds. The resulting content was amazing: a unique personalized lyric vid, from your photos, with a song that was ultimately about Fanta! 

Demo videos from the UK Fanta Instatracks

We then launched Instatracks in Germany with a local musician/influencer/YouTuber sensation named Rezo under the title FANTAxYOUxREZO. (I don’t have many examples of this, what I can find are all in German).
Demo videos from FANTAxYOUxREZO (German), subtitles my own (on right)

Results? 12,000 UGC videos were generated for FANTAxYOUxREZO. That’s all I’ve got. 

I see this one more of a success in innovative technology rather than effectiveness... 


Agency: Movement 
Creative Direction & Strategy: Mark Freeman
Experience Director: Tim Ash
Creatives: Tom Shelton, Mike Stone, Lewis Peat, Ryan Cheshire, Fiona Hutchison
Technical development: Jason Lu, David Boddington, Jamie Bunker (RIP)
Musical direction: Ed Carter, Rezo